Innovation in Checkout Technologies Applied as a Competitive Advantage and Reduced Queues in Supermarkets
Innovation, Queue Reduction, Supermarkets, Checkout, Competitive AdvantageAbstract
This article sought to verify whether there is a relationship between innovation at checkout, competitive advantage, and the reduction of queues in the Supermarkets segment in the city of São Paulo. The work begins with a theoretical foundation on the importance of constant innovation in services and the concept of competitive advantage. Finally, it presents the research methodology and analysis techniques used. We chose to use a Qualitative research methodology. Data were collected through non-participant observation (indirect contact of the researcher) with a non-probabilistic sample for convenience with 40 supermarkets in the city of São Paulo, in the north, south, east and west regions. Data analysis was performed using the descriptive analysis technique. Altogether, three factors were identified: efficiency, waiting time, and withdrawal.
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